Cut to the 21st century. What remains of Valentine's brave story? Well, mainly the flower industry's profits. Where once a man gave his life for love, millions of men today give their money for roses.
But honestly: Does it always have to be that bouquet of roses? How about something… lasting? Something… special?
Darling, I have something very special for you…
Oh, chocolates again?
No, something… more airy this time.
A skydiving session?
Even more airy.
Now you might be thinking: "She'll never dare!" Don't worry. The special thing about my Valentine's Day offer: You only pay if the shoot actually takes place. No risk, no advance payment, no "But now the money is gone". If your beloved is too shy — no problem. The voucher simply expires, like most New Year's resolutions in January.
But should she dare, she'll get an unforgettable experience and artistic nude photos for 999 euros. While the roses are history after three days, these photos will still be around for your grandchildren… well, perhaps better not show the photos to your grandchildren.