Artful inspiration
Tania Marmolejo
There is Tania Marmolejo, who has unmistakably large eyes as her trademark. Developing an unmistakable style is what we all strive for as artists. It doesn't matter whether we are musicians, painters or photographers. The reduction in her composition and formal language and the melancholy that she hides in beauty, speaks to me and inspires me.

Zander Bice
Zander Bice creates an unbelievable dynamic through flowing shapes and colored surfaces. This type of composition captivates the eye and inspires me because it shows how powerful graphical language can be. I love both mystery and energy in his works.

Jana Schoger
Before I discovered Jana Schoger, I didn't even know that erotic drawings were allowed on Instagram. Fortunately, there is little to no censorship here. Erotic representations are possible and Jana's way of drawing is great. Many of her works have incredible power and celebrate feminine beauty. I think it's especially great that a woman creates these erotic drawings. That is tremendously liberating and feels inspiring.