The play with light and shadow is not necessarily typical for me. It's not a signature look that would immediately make you think of me. Nevertheless, I pay very close attention to light and played with it in these shots.
I worked in a setting that almost seems artificial with those plastically looking rocks. Like the command centers of the villains in the old James Bond films. When sliding roofs opened on volcanoes or rocket stations were secretly installed in mines.
That made me think of a day-for-night scene. In an old James Bond movie, the hero is on a desert island with a beautiful woman and it's supposed to be night. Obviously, however, the shot was taken during the day. You could see it by the harsh shadows. But the atmosphere created, felt good.

However, with all the other things that are important for the feeling, in the end I'm only interested in Effy's enchanting beauty. There's something magical for me about showing her breasts and her great body shape in this rugged natural setting.
The year was 2021 when I discovered this magical place. We are in Europe and it was a big surprise for me to learn that there are cavemen here. You might think I'm crazy or that I just happened to come across a hermit or a homeless person. Far from it! Many caves on Tenerife are inhabited. Really with mattresses, sometimes even with windows and doors. Furnished with bulky garbage and a campfire in front of the cave entrance.
If you trudge to the sea before sunrise and suddenly a person comes out of a dark hole and puts on a pair of trousers, it's quite a fright. I've experienced this a few times now but it still always surprises me.