There are almost no blond models anymore! Are blondes already an extinct species? I always knew the light hair color was rare, but I didn't realize how rare it is. I told my wife, I believe there are only 10% blondes out there. Maybe even less. She thought 20% of all women were blonde. So I asked Aunt Google and the result of my search blew me away.
Globally, there are just under 2 percent blonde people. And less than 1 percent redheads.
No wonder I have such a hard time finding blonde girls for my projects.
I am convinced that there are more blonde women in Scandinavia. But unfortunately I have no contacts in the model scene there.
There's nothing wrong with dark hair. I like all hair colors! But since I don't want to do a book with only dark-haired women, please understand this article as a casting call once again:
Please blonde women, get in touch with me if you want to pose for my projects.
Thank you very much!

Another little funny story on the side. As a child, I had very light, blond hair myself. That didn't seem unusual to me at all. There were actually a lot of blond boys. At least that's how I remember it.
One day I was on a trip to Heidelberg Castle with my family and an adult Japanese man ran up to me and pulled my hair. I was maybe six years old then and I thought that was pretty rude of the tourist.
But it seems, he knew already that blond is a rarity and he wanted to check whether my hair was real.