Fuerteventura is a wonderful spot to work at in winter time. It's not too far away from Germany and you are likely to catch some sunrays.
Conditions can be rough due to the wind sometimes. But I thought, I'll just incorporate this into my story.
Damu is a crazy and fun girl. Very open-minded, curious and cheeky. All the time. I love working with playful girls, especially when they have long legs.
This made Damu the perfect match for my story. A roadtrip in Fuerteventura. Kind of episode two, because we were riding in an Opel Adam again, like I did in Frisky with Mia.
My rental car had been advertisied as an Opel Adam offroad. But I think, I misunderstood something. It turned out to be rather normal and I definitely didn't dare to take it off road.
One of my primary objectives with Sublime was, not to repeat myself. I find it boring when you see the same poses, but just with different girls. And each book should stand for itself. So, I decided to come up with new and different poses. Not easy, when shooting with an automobile.
I believe working with young models helps me to stay young as well. But when you're more than twice the age of the girl, you definitely notice, you've turned old. It starts with how young people talk to each other and when it comes to the use of mobile phones, it's a whole new story. I use my phone to write messages, to navigate or to check the weather forecast. This alone makes me sound old, I guess.
But I have learned that for young people, the phone is essential. It's the end of the world, if there's no wifi or you run out of battery. Not to forget the constant messaging and feeding your instagram and facebook stories. Don't ask me about snapchat, please. I have no clue.
And so, I secretly allowed myself, to incorporate this into my theme. Damu is not drinking milk. Not drinking boys tears, either. She is 100% capturing you with her phone!