Unfortunately, in all my book productions I have had the experience that paper dust settles on the pages. I was told, this can never be 100% avoided in the production process of an illustrated book.
After folding, the entire thick book block is cut, resulting in tiny particles of paper dust on the cut edge. Especially when the paper is heavy and the paper structure has gained additional strength through varnish, the cut edges become dusty.
Despite air extraction, dust sticks to the individual pages and you can see the white dust particles especially on colorful and dark pages in books.

Germans are said to be perfectionists and although I advocate more composure (even for myself), I can well understand that a precious illustrated book should be perfect.
In modern offset printing, the individual printed sheets are coated with a wafer-thin layer of dispersion varnish during the printing process. This virtually seals the paper. It protects the surface, helps to ensure the longevity of the paper and ensures that the paper does not stick together after printing.
Step 1: Use a soft microfaber cloth
Please do not try to wipe the dust off with your hand or blow it off. Under no circumstances should you scratch with a sharp object, not even with fingernails — although it's tempting and a natural reaction. Instead, simply use a soft microfiber cloth, e.g. a soft glasses cleaning cloth or one that is used to clean displays.
One is usually included with the purchase of sunglasses. Make sure that it is not hard, otherwise you could scratch the paper.

Step 2: Use a damp glasses cleaning cloth
If the microfiber cloth alone didn't help, you can use a damp glasses cleaning cloth. It doesn't have to be this particular brand. A box with 52 cleaning cloths costs under 1 € and they are also handy to clean glasses and mobile phones.
Please be careful when using this cloth, but don't be scared either. I speak from experience. We just don't want to soak or damage the paper. Only run it very gently over the dust particles on the paper and avoid scratching it. Only use these cleaning cloths as long as they have some moisture (not after they dried off).
However, you must now wait until the damp layer has evaporated from the paper. This takes about 5 - 20 seconds with the glasses cleaning cloth and if you look at the paper from the side, you can see this clearly.

Another little tip: On days with lower humidity (below 45%), the dust particles are easier to detach from the paper than when the room humidity is high.
Perfection equals satisfaction
This dust thing is a bit annoying and I was just about to write that it doesn't exist when viewing images digitally. But then I immediately thought of grease stains on cell phone displays and scratched surfaces on tablets.
In any case, after cleaning with the above methods the paper is perfectly free of dust. And my bourgeois heart is joyful again.